This past weekend we celebrated Squeaker’s fourth birthday, the Peanut had a swim meet and I was lucky enough to run 28 glorious miles in Tahoe. Talk about a jam-packed weekend!

The temps were rising to 100+ degrees near our house and for the swim meet on Saturday. That meant Tahoe was going to be pretty darn warm too.

The Tahoe Rim Trail Training Runs are usually held every year on Father’s Day weekend. This was the first weekend that I can recall where the run was NOT on Father’s Day weekend which is why I was the second person to sign up when they opened registration! I was that excited. I’ve run some of this course before, a few times, but I have never done the organized training run (FYI I am not running any of the TRT races).

Pigeon had signed up to run both Saturday and Sunday since she is attempting her third Tahoe Rim Trail 100 miler. I convinced her to stay up there at least Saturday into Sunday so that she could not back out of Day 2 on the trail. Due to my schedule, I was only able to sign up for Day 2 which was fine since that is the section of the course I will be pacing her. I’ve seen and run up Diamond Peak and into Tunnel Creek before (my other pacing section) so the trail into Snow Valley would be new territory for me.

I drove up to South Lake Tahoe on Saturday evening after a long hot day in the sun at the swim meet. When I arrived, Pigeon had just finished and recovered from 25 miles on another section of the TRT. We chatted a bit and I got to play with their baby a little but we were all pretty tired and went to bed very early. It was nice going to bed way earlier than I would have if I was home.

So fair warning, I took about a million photos on this run. There was nothing too ground breaking or eventful during the run so most of this post will be the amazing beauty that is Lake Tahoe and the Tahoe Rim Trail.


We drove to a parking lot outside of Spooner Lake (not the actual start/finish area of the race). We arrived close to 6:30 as Pigeon wanted to get an early start on the trail since we knew the temperature was going rise and fast.

We checked in. We said hi to Stonegate and Burning Girl and their friend Truckee and then were off. Pigeon knows these trails pretty well and the course wasn’t marked as well as most training runs so my faith was all in her as she led me down the trail.

First little bridge approaching Spooner Lake
First little bridge approaching Spooner Lake

Pigeon was visibly tired the first few miles (understandably so with 25 miles on her legs already) but I too was slowly adjusting to the altitude and the fact that my legs were not getting into the groove yet.

Stopping to take a gel and enjoy the morning glow
Stopping to take a gel and enjoy the morning glow

These first few miles are nothing but an uphill after uphill. I have heard rumors about the massive conga lines at the TRT 55K start and now I can see why. The trail is single track involves a very slow steady climb UP.



But the trails are amazing. It was still cool enough that we were able to climb and not feel the effects of the heat just yet but you could tell it was coming.

Pigeon shared a little bit about her run from the previous day, including going about a mile out of her way by missing a turn.


The first aid-station was going to be at Hobart. I had no idea how far that was and I wasn’t too worried as my pack was pretty jam full with lots of various things from home.

We were alone out on the trail for a quite a while but slowly we started hearing voices. Julie Fingar ran by us and then a few other ‘faster’ runners.

We approached a pretty lookout and stopped to take photos.

And fuel some more
And fuel some more
This was out on the trail and made me smile
This was out on the trail and made me smile

As we were finishing up our photo session, Stonegate and the gang came running in. I told them there were some pretty cool look out spots up around the corner as I know they like to take a ton of photos too.

Pigeon and I took off and soon reached the Hobart aid-station which Pigeon informed me is NOT where it will be located come race day. Good to know. They had moved the aid-station farther up the trail so as to help direct people up Snow Valley as the turn is not exactly clear if you were on your own.

Truckee, Stonegate and Burning Girl
Truckee, Stonegate and Burning Girl

The girls came in just as we were about to leave the aid-station. They looked like they were thoroughly enjoying themselves.

The next aid-station was at Tunnel Creek and I have run this section before. It was nice to see it from another direction. I don’t recall if I ate much at the Hobart aid-station. I had packed a potato with salt which I knew I was munching on most of the time along with a few jelly-beans (I love that sugar rush at times). I also had packed an apple sauce packet, a gluten-free peanut butter and honey sandwich and a whole fruit chia seed bar.


As you can see from the photos, the trail is pretty exposed to the sun and the sun wasn’t even nearly as strong as it was going to be yet. You run towards Lake Tahoe with Marlene Lake right next to it. If the altitude wasn’t taking your breath away, the views surely will.

Marlene Lake with Lake Tahoe behind it
Marlene Lake with Lake Tahoe behind it

Come on, look at that! SO amazing up there. Truly the most beautiful place in the world.

Uphill running in the sun
Uphill running in the sun

Once you get closer to Tunnel Creek, the trail gets a little more technical with some boulders and stuff to dance around.


I was looking forward to getting to Tunnel Creek. Pigeon was growing pretty quiet at times and I knew she was tired but she kept moving and I kept seeing her eat. At the aid-stations she would down chocolate milk so I know she had some calories in her but she was probably pretty dehydrated from the previous day and in a deficit to begin with.

Tunnel Creek Aid-Station!
Tunnel Creek Aid-Station!

I know this aid-station well. I hike to here every year to watch Pigeon (and friends) come in and out. This aid-station rocks because you get to hit it twice (or more depending on the race distance). It was here that I saw the Kettle Brand Sea Salt potato chips on the table. I dug in for a few handfuls. I also finished my baked potato here as well. I was craving some salt I guess.

We spent a lot of time at this aid-station. I was just listening to the conversations around me. Pigeon was fixing her shoe. We had planned on running the 6 mile Red House Loop here. Pigeon had run it yesterday and it was grueling. I have never run it before and am dying to see it but I was content to skip it when I saw the look on Pigeon’s face. She wasn’t into an extra 6 miles that would take us close to 2 hours to complete.

I have a marathon in less than 2 weeks so fine by me to skip that extra mileage. Pigeon kept asking me if it was okay that we skip it. She knew I wanted to run it. I kept saying it was FINE. Really. I was anxious to get back home earlier than normal too even though I was having a blast out there and the heat was really starting to hit. I love heat running but Pigeon does not. So, instead I told her that we could skip Red House if she agreed to run more than hike on our way back. She held onto that promise big time.


On our way out of the aid-station we saw Stonegate and the crew coming in. Burning Girl was all smiles, the other two looked like they could not wait to hit the aid-station. It was getting warm.

More boulders to climb
More boulders to climb

Pigeon definitely held onto her word and ran quite a bit more on the way back. Some times I would let her get way ahead and I would stop to take a bunch of photos and then run real hard to catch up to her. My legs were tired but I was still having a blast.


We stopped a few more times to take some photos again. Different angles and views than we saw on the way in. We also passed a few runners on their way into Tunnel Creek.


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Soon we found ourselves on the stretch of trail that leads you back to Hobart aid-station. This stretch is very exposed and a bit windy at times.

No shade. Nadda.
Still no shade. Ouch.
But you have killer views!
But you have killer views!

We just kept plugging away in the heat. I took a few salts on this stretch and it really helped give me something extra. I was drinking and didn’t feel thirsty or dehydrated but I could probably always drink more.

Is that shade!?
Is that shade!?
Oh no, just kidding. No shade.
Oh no, just kidding. No shade.

I was anxious to get to Hobart again because I knew that we’d be going up Snow Valley on our return and that is a section I have never seen. It is also a section that again, has very little shade.

It does however, have PURPLE ROCKS! Yes, purple rocks and my girls love collecting rocks so I was sure to grab two and throw them into my pack to bring home.

Purple Rocks!
Purple Rocks!


Pigeon explained to me as we ran that Snow Valley is where she got stuck last year during her 100 miler when that massive thunder and lightning storm came. It brought hail and massive streaks of lightning. She was here when that storm hit ….

Here. In the middle of no where with no where to hide!? Crazy!!!
Here. In the middle of no where with no where to hide!? Crazy!!!

I told her that I would have laid down flat in the trail and cried my eyes out. How she managed that one is beyond me. She is one tough cookie.


At some point along this stretch, Pigeon had to find a pit stop so I climbed my way up to some high peak and took a bunch of photos. 🙂

The trail ahead is where we were going
The trail ahead on the right is where we were going
My favorite from the day
My favorite from the day

The decent up Snow Valley was about three miles up and then about 7 miles down according to Pigeon into Spooner and where we would finish.


The decent down Snow Valley involved a lot of running. Our pace was pretty good but Pigeon was growing quiet again. At one point we had a little “discussion” about mileage. She clearly did not like what my Garmin was reading and pretty much declared my GPS wrong. I wasn’t about to argue with her because sometimes, they are wrong … but the four miles we “only” had left were probably the four longest miles I have ever run.

At one point I felt something “fly” into my neck scarf that I had around my neck (full of ice). I yelled to Pigeon to stop as I thought it was a bee. Then I felt something bite me on my neck, not quite a sting, but a real bite. Pigeon came over to take a look and saw the bug. She said it as round black and flat with red markings on it but not a spider … awesome. The bite location stung and itched simultaneously for a while and then stopped. Nothing seems to be there now so that was pretty random. We just kept running after that.

Pigeon kept mumbling something about a “picket fence” and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what she was talking about but then when we came up along side a fence and I realized she what she was looking for all this time … this was where we turned to finally get back to our cars and the finish area.

Finish area with fresh made smoothies in hand!
Finish area with fresh made smoothies in hand!

So I have a lot to say about this training run. First and foremost, it only cost me $20 to sign up. The mileage options were 28 and 35. There were two full aid stations out there, three if you count the amazing one at the finish location.

The finish area was the best. Not only did they have a massive spread of food (NOT your standard junk food either) they had a blend and were making coconut water, apple juice, mango and strawberry smoothies on the spot!!!

Check out that spread and that is only half of it!
Check out that spread and that is only half of it!

They had a BBQ with black bean burgers and veggie burgers grilling away. They had GLUTEN FREE BREAD for the burgers and they even had gluten-free sandwiches a the aid-stations!

Gluten Free Bread!
Gluten Free Bread!

I didn’t have any of the gluten-free sandwiches they offered mostly because I am afraid of contamination and I didn’t have the burgers at the finish either because normally they are either not vegan or gluten-free or both AND I don’t like sharing the grill with real burgers. Hey, what can I say …. I like things the way I like things.

But still, these options are HUGE for a race. I am seeing more and more options like these at the end of my races. One of the awesome parts about living and racing in California I guess. 🙂

Pigeon and I cleaned up and loaded the car. We saw Stonegate and crew come in (they took a “different” route to get to the aid-station haha) so we said a quick hello and then were on our way.

When I got home the girls were happy, the house was clean and everyone was enjoying the pool. We also acquired a new pool toy compliments of Grandma.


The turtle was a birthday gift from Grandma and family and it has made its way into the pool (and stayed there).

I know Vans had his hands full with the girls for a day and a half but he did just great. I know Squeaker isn’t the easiest to work with sometimes but then again, neither is Vans. 🙂

This photo can say a million things
This photo can say a million things

They also enjoyed some art time on the patio. They had a great time with dad.

Art time!
Art time!

Some day, I would love for Vans to join me on this running adventure. For $20 and these amazing views of Lake Tahoe with, did I forget to mention, FREE BEER at the finish?! That is right up his alley, minus the running part and the heat. 🙂

Tahoe Brew!
Tahoe Brew!

Overall it was a great day. We ran 28 miles at some crazy elevation. That was my last long run before my marathon in two weeks which is also at elevation (but just a mere 4200 ft haha). I hope that next year the training run is again, not on Father’s Day weekend. 🙂 The volunteers at this run were amazing too. I have to mention how awesome they were out there. If it was hot for us, it was hot for them and they had to lug all that food and water out there and they always had a smile on their face for us. Thank you!!!


I look forward to coming back in July to cheer on Stonegate, Burning Girl and Truckee as they conquer the 55K and to crew Pigeon again as she toes the line for the TRT 100 mile race. She has no weights on her shoulders this year, only the chance to finally put this course where it belongs, behind her. I have no doubts that she can.

Happy Trails!


(please excuse the typos and grammar, this was not proof read) 🙂

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Dearest Squeaker,

Happy Fourth Birthday my little firefly! I am not quite sure where another year has gone but I do know it has been one amazing adventure with you.


From the moment that you wake up in the morning you are smiley, feisty and curious. The questions that you ask and the things that you observe, blow us away.


I love that you cannot control your body when you hear music and that you mess up the lyrics to songs much the way that I do.


I love that you tell your sister that you love her daily even when she tells you to stop. You always ask where she is when she is not home and you love to be by her side wherever we go.


I love that you can go off and play by yourself always finding something to occupy your brain even if it means that you have pulled every item you own out of your closet.


I love that you are so strong and so independent. You dress yourself almost every morning being very particular about what outfit you wear.


I love that you insist that you want Rapunzel hair and even though you can barely see anything through your bangs and your hair inevitably ends up in your food.


I love that you still love to ride bikes and wear tutus  usually at the same time and that you have no fear in anything that you do.


I love that you always ask to help me with dinger (aka dinner) even though sometimes it frustrates us when you won’t eat it.


I love that on our 40+ minute commute home every day, you talk nonstop about your day, what is outside your window and what songs you want played on the radio. And yes, you can play I Spy on a freeway for the entire ride … “I spy a white car mommy!” …


I love that you tell me that when you grow up, you want to be a mommy. I think you will make the world’s greatest mommy.
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I love that you wander off to your room to sit in your rocking chair and read books that you have stolen from your sister.

I love that you came home and announced that you were marrying your best friend from preschool.  Despite being many years from this reality, I can’t help but see you walking down the aisle someday as a beautiful and confident bride.


I love that you give your dad a hard time and that you give him a good dose of stubbornness to keep him on his toes.


I love that you try will anything at least once and that you strive to get better and better when you find something that you like.


I love that you go to your sister’s swim meets every weekend with barely a complaint and that you cheer for her with all your heart and soul.


I love that you love to run and that you love to ride your bike. You do it because you love it and not because you know Daddy and I do too.


Most of all Squeaker, I love the joy and laughter you bring to our family. There is not a day that goes by that I cannot imagine you in it with us. While I struggle with you getting older, I am excited to watch you grow. You have a fire within you that I cannot explain. A twinkle in your eye that never seems to dim. Even when we are so mad at you, you know just what to say to make us laugh and forget what it is that you did.


Squeaker you complete this family and we wish you nothing but the best for the year ahead. Thank you for being our spitfire kid. The kid that reminds us we can’t leave scissors laying about. The kid that reminds us that if the house is quiet, something or someone is getting messy. The kid whose kisses and hugs mean more than gold because you don’t just give those out freely, you make people work for it. As they should.


Happy 4th Birthday Squeaker!







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Well I think I may have successfully transferred my blog to a new hosting environment for way cheaper. While I am not entirely sure how all this works … I apologize for the delays in posting.

Please stay tuned while I work on setting up this new domain and figure out all the little details associated with it. I want to thank everyone who wrote to me and encouraged me to keep my blog going and who provided ideas and details on how to do that. Super excited that for at least another year, I am signed on with another domain site … hopefully this transition is seamless!

Happy Trails!

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I just received my domain renewal notice from Go Daddy. Apparently my awesome 2 year stint at having my own domain name is up and it is time to renew. When I created this site initially, I got a great deal for two years but now that renewal time is approaching, Go Daddy wants $350 from me to keep this site going for another two years! I can already hear Vans now …. “What!? Are you kidding?! Unless this site earns you money there is no point!” Sigh. Sadly he is right. I hate it when he is right.

My old blogspot site is still up over at www.trailmomma.blogspot.com however I believe I have zero (or at least very little) photo space on that site as I reached my limit a few years ago. What can I say!? I liked posting photos of all my runs.

Decisions decisions. I love my blog. I can’t really tell who even reads it other than family and maybe some close friends. It is my creative outlet but, once again I hear Vans – “you need a less expensive outlet!”

I have until June 18th to decide what to do. I could chose to “park” my domain and just not renew the other “products” … really I need a class in what kind of products I have in general as I am not tech savvy in that regard. Anyone care to explain it to me? Should I just pay $5.99 for a month until I can figure it out? Sadly, I think I will incur more fees if I do that and eventually decide to keep this site going. Right now, that price includes a “renewal discount” from Go Daddy. Gee, thanks?


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Go Daddy


I am super happy I was able to get my last post published though. It apparently has helped quite a few people based on some comments that I have received on various social media sites and via email. If I helped just ONE person with that post, then I am content. I will be sad to see this site go along with all the photos, stories and race reports that I have posted throughout the last two years. I wish I could print them all and put them in a book for my girls to read some day. 🙁 That is what I originally envisioned, unfortunately, maintenance and web hosting was never a thought.

Tis a sad day for this Trailmomma. 🙁



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I really debated whether or not to write this post. Normally my blog theme consists of trail running and the occasional story about being plant-based and of course being a mama. This will definitely fall into the plant-based category.

While many who know me know that I have been plant-based for over 20 years. I definitely can say that I followed the common trend of veganism though in regards to stopping meat initially, but I did not necessarily follow a healthy diet. I would say that I have been vegan for quite a while but have only been truly plant-based within the last few years. What is the difference? Well, Oreos are vegan. Potato chips are vegan. I was consuming some oily standard American fair while thinking I was being healthy.

However, the more I read and the more I investigated, I realized the difference and I made a change. What you may not know, is that I have very low hemoglobin and ferritin levels. Particularly in regards to my ferritin levels. What is Ferritin? Ferritin is an ubiquitous intracellular protein that stores iron and releases it in a controlled fashion (thanks internet). My levels are so low because I went for 21 years with undiagnosed Celiac disease. My body just did not absorb any iron and therefore ferritin.

To put it into perspective here are my levels over the last few years (it is all that I have in terms of history) and keep in mind that a Standard Range is 22-291 ng/mL

My history:

12/2005 : 3

6/2006 : 1

6/2013 : < 5

7/2013 (had a retest to confirm) : < 5

6/2014 : 13

I am surprised no one was freaking out in 2006 and clearly I avoided the doctor after that. But somehow, I managed to give birth to two beautiful kids and survive. Obviously, I have never had normal levels yet I continued to race and run ultras (stubborn much?).

The period between 2013 and 2014 where my levels bumped up to 13 is when my doctor insisted that I take an iron supplement. I took the supplement but I didn’t enjoy it.

In January of 2014 I started taking the eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Course where I learned a  great deal about supplements and why we do not need them and how in fact, they can do more harm than good. I graduated from that class in March and in mid-June, I stopped taking my iron pills.

It was around this same time, that I read Dr. Esselsytn’s Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease book and My Beef With Meat by Rip Esselstyn as well as all their cookbooks. I also started taking my Rouxbe online plant-based cooking course in August of 2014. While I knew a lot of this information, reading it and studying it just reinforced what I have known all along: plant-based food can cure and heal and that we do not need oil in our diets.

I started cutting out oil (we don’t need it is pure fat and has minimal nutritional value and severely damages your arteries). I cut out oil pretty easily as I rarely cooked with it. I have always cooked using vegetable broth instead of oil, but I also stopped eating other foods that contained oil.

I also started training for the Mt. Tam 50k as well as the California International Marathon. Best of all, I purchased my beloved Instant Pot and I began the habit of making sure I had home-made vegetable broth on hand and a ton of beans made from scratch that I freeze in can size portions.
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I started making my own hummus and dressings. I stopped buying a lot of store bought things preferring to make my own. Thanksgiving and Christmas were both plant-based oil free holidays in my house and the food was fantastic (thanks to Ann Crile Esselstyn and Jane Esselstyn and Engine 2 recipes).

Enter 2015 and I have continued on this path. I ran the Salmon Falls 50k in February followed by my 3rd American River 50 miler in April (with a huge PR). Then, if you follow my blog, you read that I just ran 32 miles on the Western States course. I have run way more over the last year than I did the previous year.

As we are approaching June, I decided it was time again to get my annual blood work done. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I haven’t taken my iron pills in over a year and I’ve run more races harder and faster than I have before.

As it turns out, I was totally blown away. Not only did I lower my cholesterol to 136 (not that it was ever high it just dipped even lower), I also boosted my hemoglobin, doubled my iron AND my Ferritin is now registering at 25!! For once in my life, I have normal Ferritin levels!

Graphic from http://www.carlagoldenwellness.com/2015/02/05/nutrition-only-in-animal-based-foods/
Graphic from www.carlagoldenwellness.com

I 100% wholly contribute these improvements to my dietary changes over the last year. While I have made many changes to my diet, what I am about to share is not meant to be anything more than what has worked for ME. Please do not take what I am sharing as medical or nutritional advice. It is just what worked for me.

So having my Instant Pot meant that I had ready-made access to beans every single day. I’ve broadened our variety from just the usual chickpea, kidney, black beans, pinto and lentils to navy beans, pinquinto beans, red lentils, green lentils, split peas, yellow split peas, cannellini. When I see a new bean I get so excited. Per the advice of the Esselstyn family, I have mountains of leafy greens almost daily (including for breakfast sometimes). I STOPPED having smoothies. I haven’t had a green smoothie in over a year. For me, having daily smoothies just proved to be a recipe for disaster. First of all, you can’t tell how many calories you are tossing into that blender and some smoothies could easily reach the 400 calorie mark. For me, smoothies increased my appetite. I need to CHEW my food. Not drink it. In my opinion, smoothies on a daily basis teach your stomach to stop doing its job. If you give it liquefied food, it will no longer be good at doing what it is supposed to do, breaking down food. I constantly found that I had tummy troubles from smoothies. I stopped the smoothies, my tummy improved and I lost weight. Go figure.

I make sure that I have oats in some form for breakfast (whether raw, cooked or made with kale yum try it so good) every day. I bring my own food for lunch at work and usually it will consist of greens, beans and quite often potatoes (or a salad) and dinner is much of the same. We started eating a ton more potatoes in my house due to their ease of travel and the ability to batch cook them and have them throughout the week. I have lost weight, not gained. Don’t be afraid of whole food plant-based carbs!

Really, those are all the major changes I have made. I have definitely been more conscious of what I am eating and why. Basically, I add no oil to my diet, I majorly increased the beans, lentils, greens and other veggies that we eat and I have oatmeal every single morning. I’ve stopped the junk food snacking.

Currently, I am working on my racing fuel as really, if I am being honest, during a race is probably the only time I succumb and have something I would never normally touch on a day to day basis and it isn’t even that much. In training I bring my own plant-based food and I consume that but for some reason, in the heat of a race, my body is calling for that crap. I am still working on that one so stay tuned.

But overall, the purpose of this post was to share that if you are considering a plant-based diet but you are afraid you won’t reach all the nutritional values that you need (especially if you are racing in some form) that you can! It is possible with planning, work and a little education. Variety in your diet is key. You can’t just eat the same thing day in and day out. Try new things. See what is in season at your local farmers market or grocery store and then google recipes for it (omitting any added oils of course).

The experts like Dr. Esselstyn, T. Colin Campbell and the crew at Engine 2.com are right, you can thrive and succeed on a whole foods plant-based diet. I did not give up. People told me for years that I would have to eat meat to bring up my iron and ferritin levels or take an iron pill for life but I knew deep in my heart that was not the case and that a true whole food plant-based diet could help me. It did.

Of course, I am very proactive as well. I get my blood work done annually to make sure my levels are all in check. While I probably get very little sleep compared to most people (hello, I wake up at 4:30 am to run), I make sure to listen to my body and its cues. When I am tired and dragging, I bring the workout down a notch or I skip it and I stop and take a look at what is going on with myself and I make the necessary dietary changes (more kale, less spinach, more potatoes etc.).

Am I perfect? No, of course not. No one is. I just try my hardest to feed my body fuel, not necessarily food. Luckily for me, it is pretty darn tasty fuel at that and I enjoy following recipes and experimenting in the kitchen. It can be fun! Try it!

Happy Trails!


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