It is the final week before the Way Too Cool 50k and typically the time when most runners start getting antsy and germ-aphobic as they prepare for the race they have spent the last few months training for. I can’t say that I am entirely anxious about the race which I guess is a good thing. Honestly I just have a lot going on this week to be bothered worrying about it.

Last weekend the training schedule called for only 10 miles which was a welcomed relief after all the 20 milers Pigeon and I have been putting in lately.  We had decided to meet at Cavitt School and run 5 miles out and back towards Twin Rocks. This is part of the American River 50 Mile course and consists of some nice easy rolling hills and some nice flat sections.

To change things up we had TiggerT and Diane from Folsom Breakout Fitness join us on our run.  It was as if all my exercise words collided at once! It was fun. We ran, we laughed and we enjoyed a run without any rain.

Diane & TiggerT
Diane & TiggerT

The skies looked quite daunting but they never really opened up on us yet the trails were definitely muddy and slippery.


We ran all the way to what Pigeon and I call “The Overlook” which is really a nice spot that gives you a great view of Folsom Lake which is very slowly filling with water.

The Overlook
The Overlook

Yes, that is Folsom Lake in the background, not a river. The 5 miles back were pretty uneventful. I almost slipped a few times but was able to catch myself and not do any damage.

Water on the trails!
Water on the trails!

In the above photo you can just catch TiggerT trying to leap over the puddle!! She made it too!! When we finished we all stretched as quick as we could as the skies were starting to drizzle and we knew the rain was coming.

Grey skies
Grey skies

I felt really good after the run and immediately raced home to get the Peanut to a birthday party. Actually Vans took her and I stayed home while Squeaker napped and tried to get some homework done.

I have been taking some online classes from Cornell trying to get a Plant Based Nutrition Certificate. I am on my last course and the work is definitely ramping up. My next two classes involve quizzes and papers. I worked all Saturday afternoon on studying for my quiz.

Sunday I worked at Gold Country Run and Sport and then came home and tried to work on my paper while Vans took the Peanut to swim clinic in a rain storm.

Swimming laps
Swimming laps

It has definitely been the kind of week where I have had so much going on that I just haven’t had time to think about running a 50k this weekend. At my full-time job I have been spending the last three days in a classroom type training class which is just agony on my legs and back. I am not meant to be sitting for 8 hours straight.

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On top of that, I’ve been consumed by the sudden end of friendship that began almost 20 years ago. Honestly, it has left me more dazed, confused and a little broken hearted and I am trying to move past it. We weren’t super close, but I did cherish it.

In an effort to clear my head I decided to go for an easy run tonight. I had good intentions of running before work but Squeaker is back to her usual sleepless antics again and I know how important sleep is during taper week.

When I got home from work I changed into running clothes and grabbed my flashlights and reflective vest. I knew just what I needed … I ran 1.5 miles to the Ridge Hill and I ran one long slow ascent up the hill running the entire way. It was a physical and mental purge and it felt amazing. That is of course, until I fell on the way down.

Yup. I fell. Only Trailmomma would do a complete somersault FOUR DAYS before a major race. There I was under the glistening stars with just the last bit of the sun glimmering as it set thinking how beautiful it really was outside when my toe caught a rock and I flew.

Left Hand
Left Hand

I can’t even describe the way in which I fell. I scrapped my left hand, my right forearm and elbow and both knees. I know I rolled in a very dramatic Hollywood action film way.

Goose egg on the forearm
Goose egg on right forearm

However, while my scrapes and cuts are minor (they didn’t even burn in the shower) I do seem to have a couple of goose-egg bumps that are growing. The one on my forearm in the photo above is interesting but seems minor.

I do have one on my left knee and that is the one that has me the most concerned. You see when I fell, my left knee hit the ground hard but it wasn’t the dirt that it hit, it was another rock.

That is not my knee cap you see.
Those bumps are NOT my knee cap.

I was able to make it home where I showered and iced my knee and finished up my homework and put the girls to bed.

I guess it is a good thing  that I am not stressing about this race otherwise tonight might have me in a tailspin huh? No time for stress when I have two smiling faces ready to give me a hug goodnight.

Good lord help if there was four of them! :)
Good lord help me if there was four of them! 🙂

Happy Trails! (Don’t Trip)





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We are two weeks away from the Way Too Cool 50K. This weekend’s run was slotted to be 26 miles. After last weekend’s run, I was ready.

I hadn’t seen or run with Pigeon in about 3 weeks so I was ready to reconnect with her and enjoy our day out on the trails. Our email exchanges this week had been brief but we had decided on a route that involved loops again using the car as our own personal aid-station.

We had run a similar loop a few weeks ago but this week we decided to start at the top of Stagecoach trail as there was a race going on in the area and we wanted to avoid some of the runners. After parking, figuring out what we were going to wear and assembling our gear we took off down the Stagecoach hill.

About a quarter mile into the run I hear (very loudly) GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE! As pretty much everyone knows, I have an intense dislike of all birds so I slowed, squealed and tried to find out where they were. I looked up and on the cliffs was the largest turkey I have ever seen with his wings stretched out. I said, “Did you see that!?”

Just as I said that, I hear Pigeon start to gobble herself (mocking the turkeys mind you) and when I turned around to find her she was gone! I heard a yell, a laugh and when I turned again Pigeon was entangled in my feet! With my crazy ninja like reflexes I was able to avoid going down with her but Pigeon was down and then she was back up! She popped up so fast I didn’t realize what was going on. Then we stopped.

I am hurt!
I am hurt!

Pigeon’s whole left side was one giant slice of trail rash. From her elbow to her knees, she was a mess.

Trail Rash
Trail Rash

Her hydration pack on her back had saved her backside from also being scrapped up but it was the way she was holding her arm that had me concerned. We were laughing and running still before she started yelling, “I am hurt! I am hurt!” I felt like I was with my kids, “What hurts? The cuts? Your elbow? Use your words!” 🙂 I was pretty concerned about her arm as she was holding it awkwardly but she seemed to be worrying more about the cuts on her quad and knee (which were swelling before our eyes).

Trying to clean it up with a wipe.
Trying to clean it up with a wipe.

We stopped finally to assess the damage and clean up as best we could … and also for me to take some photos of the situation. 🙂

Not laughing at her, just at the situation.
Not laughing at her, just at the situation.

Down the hill we continued on. I am not sure if the trail shoe had been on the other foot, if I would have continued on the way she did. She is one tough runner. When we made it to the bottom of Stagecoach we used the bathrooms and continued on.

I kept checking in with her but she said she was fine so we just kept running. When we made it back to our car/aid-station, we connected with another trail group that we sometimes run with. They were doing the same thing, using their cars as an aid-station and running almost the same loops we were … except they were running fast.

She's tough.
She’s tough.

The temps were predicted to be pretty warm and we both were kind of excited by this. Despite our need for rain, we’ve been very spoiled with our amazingly warm temps in the middle of February. It made for some amazing views too.

We ran over towards the Overlook and down the hill towards No Hands. I was noticing that Pigeon was slowing down a little and I was worried she might be changing her gait a little too much. She mentioned that climbing and descending were tough on her quad which was swelling to the size of a small grapefruit.

When we reached No Hands Bridge we stopped as there was an aid-station set up for the Fourmidabl Races. I recognized the two people manning the aid-station and mentioned to them that Pigeon had fallen. They were quick to whip out their first-aid kit and I tossed Pigeon some Neosporin. It was probably a little late but I was worried that she had not cleaned out her cuts yet.

It was about here that Pigeon decided that she should call it a day instead of trying to squeeze out another 10 miles to make our 26 for the day. I know it killed her inside to call it quits. If we didn’t have Way Too Cool just two weeks away, I might have encouraged her to push it but at this rate, she needs for these wounds to heal and she needs to not alter her gait compensating for the injury.

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So we crossed the highway ready to run back up Stagecoach again when we ran into the other trail group again. They saw Pigeon’s distress and asked her how she was doing. She told them she was calling it quits and they seemed to agree that was a good call. In awesome trail runner fashion, one of the girls brought her a baggie of ice to ice down her swelling quad.

We walked over to some rocks and sat down to just give her a moment to ice the wound and take her off her feet for a little bit.

Icing the wound
Icing the wound

It was here that I know different scenarios and thoughts were flying through Pigeon’s head. She is not a quitter, not by any stretch. She was battling here with the decision she was making but I know she knows she made the right call.

Sad but smart.
Sad but smart.

Soon it was time to gather ourselves and start the climb up Stagecoach one more time. We hiked, we shuffled. Finally at some point, Pigeon turned to me and said “You can run. In fact, you should run!” I hate leaving my friend but in all honesty, hiking up hill hurts my lower back whereas running doesn’t (odd, I know). So I told her I’d meet her at the top and I took off.

I ran a lot and I walked some. The terrain on this road is just plain annoying. It is just rough, rocky and really hard to get your footing if you have feet issues (like me). It was also super hot and sunny (I love that though).

Pretty Views
Pretty Views

I made it to the top, tapped her car and ran back down to find Pigeon and hike back up with her. When all was said and down, I had 20 miles on my Garmin and was feeling pretty good. Whenever we’d stop I would stiffen up but that is normal.

I do feel that I could have made the additional 10 miles today if things had gone our way and that is all I need to know. My concerns about running Way Too Cool subsided a little bit. I have no doubt that the run will be hard but I know that I have definitely gained some endurance. 13 miles flew by easily today and I haven’t felt like that in a long time.

Next week is our taper week which is always a mind game for most runners. That’s the time we start noticing aches and pains or try to avoid anyone who might be sick (like my kids).

I just am hoping for some nice weather for Way Too Cool. My plan of attack is to have fun. Running with Pigeon I think that can happen. She is using it as a training run for Tahoe Rim Trail 100 and I don’t really care to blow myself up if I still have to run the American River 50 Miler 4 weeks later.

To me, the best part about running trails is the friends you run with, the friends you meet along the way and the adventures you have together. Today was a little bit of all of that.

Happy Trails!


While I was out running, the girls had an adventure with Vans. 🙂

A little skate park action for the Peanut.
A little skate park action for the Peanut.
Squeaker was just not in the mood so she watched from the side.
Squeaker was just not in the mood so she watched from the side.


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Too much. I hear those words often and I am probably not alone.

“Don’t eat too much!”

“Don’t do too much!”

“Don’t drink too much…”

Errrr, am I the only one who has heard that last one? (kidding!)  Generally I hear, “Don’t WORK too much!” That’s a common one that I am sure a lot of people hear but in my case it is generally directed at the fact that I have three jobs, run ultras and do a bunch of random things on the side.

This week I was tired. No doubt a result of last weekend’s run (you can read about that by clicking here) or perhaps the fact that Squeaker is sick this week and up a lot throughout the night … or maybe the fact that work has been extra frustrating and stressful lately. Most likely, a combination of all of that I am sure.

Still, I posted something on Facebook and a lot of comments came back saying things like: “burning the candle at both ends” or “too much on your plate girl!” While I don’t disagree that is true, I do feel that I am handling ‘my plate’ fairly well albeit not the way in which I would handle it if I only had ONE plate. But who has one plate in life? A mom certainly never has one plate. We juggle so much that it makes clowns look like amateurs.

Moms are typically able to juggle kids, work, personal lives and everything else that is thrown our way pretty easily. Sometimes however, the body says otherwise. As much as our minds want to go, go go all the time, our body needs to be honored.

This week, instead of working out at Breakout Fitness on Monday morning at 5 am, I opted for sleep because Squeaker woke up. Tuesday morning I made it, but didn’t really “feel” like I was working out vs just going through the motions. No one wakes up at 4:30 am just to go through the motions.

When Wednesday rolled around and the Squeaker came in like a burning ball of fire and curled up next to me scalding my pjs, I decided not to workout once again. Squeaker is not alone in feeling “off” this week. To be honest, I haven’t felt quite right for weeks. Something is off in my digestive track and I just keep feeding the problem (no pun intended) instead of figuring out what is causing my discomfort.

I’ve resorted to eating pretty bland with no relief or results. Sadly, I am one of those people who holds their stress in their belly. I may look fine on the outside but my belly is in knots. Work has definitely been less than happy lately, my other jobs are fine although they take me away from my family time and that stresses me out too as the girls are at the age where they WANT to be with me. The Peanut is going through some emotional things right now that have me a little bit worried. I am thinking constantly about the fact that I have to run a 50K in 3 weeks and a 50 miler in about 4 or 5 both of which I don’t feel I have put in enough miles towards and if I have put in the miles, why am I not recovering as quickly as I used to? Stress. It all comes down to stress, poor sleep and diet.

I eat well. There is no denying that I eat probably far healthier than most (I could probably cut back on the wine but it is good for the heart right?). I lack sleep. QUALITY sleep. But I am a mom. I have a two year old that is having nightmares and/or is fighting a cold so she is up and only wanting the comfort of her mother. Unfortunately, that comfort comes in the form of taking her back to her room and sleeping on her hard cold floor which really doesn’t treat my aching tired muscles very well.

In an effort to combat that situation, I miss out on morning workouts which will result in guilt and more stress about lack of training. A vicious circle that goes round and round sometimes.

Of course there is the logical side of me that says, “Snap out of it Trailmomma! There are people with far greater worries in life than what you are faced with! You have a healthy happy family!” I need to just chill out. I do. I admit it. I also need to create another day in the week or learn to say ‘no’ to some things in life.

But I enjoy the things I take on. I wouldn’t take them on if I didn’t enjoy them! I enjoy working for the Kings on occasion (namely weekends), I enjoy working for Gold Country Run and Sport on Sundays, I enjoy my FT job (okay, that’s not entirely true but I like my manager and we do have a mortgage), I enjoy long runs with Pigeon and friends, I enjoy blogging here and I enjoy taking a class. Wait. Did I fail to mention that I am getting a certification from Cornell online so that I can have a certificate in Plant Based Nutrition? Um, yea, I am doing that too.
There are many other reasons cialis prices Recommended site because of which men are facing today. Alcohol, high fat-content meal and energy drinks are not allowed to express viagra tablets 100mg their emotions or weakness in any form. The study shows that although viagra prescription http://raindogscine.com/anina-en-san-pablo-nueva-york-y-buenos-aires/ ED is not life threating, it can be extremely embarrassing,so it’s not surprising that men that have trouble getting or maintaining an erection are the many side effects caused by this. The medicine works to stop the obstructing free viagra sample action of the enzyme and promoting strong and hard erection.

I’ll probably write more on the certification when I finish the course. It is only 6 weeks and while not entirely at your own pace (you do have to follow a curriculum) it isn’t as high pressure as I thought but I do wish I could devote more time to study and learn. It is fascinating information and has really changed a lot about how I look at food and food intake in the face of major diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

It has also changed my thoughts on taking additional courses while doing what I am doing. This course has some flexibility, some of the other courses I want to take, do not and I would undoubtedly need to create more time in my day to take on something a little more intense. Just more food for thought (there I go again).

So really, there is no point to this post. I am just sort of randomly writing about what I am facing right now. Perhaps blogging is my therapy? My way of alleviating stress in my life? I certainly don’t stress about what to write here because honestly, I don’t have that large of a following and while this blog gives me great pleasure, I do hope to grow its readership some day but in order to do that, I guess I should have a common goal or purpose. However, for the time being, I love posting about my training runs. Whether they are interesting to anyone else, it doesn’t really matter. They serve as a way for me to look back in time and see what I have accomplished. A way for my girls to hopefully look back and see why their mom was nicknamed Trailmomma.

My plate may be really really full right now … but my heart and brain are as well. Things happen for a reason in life. Doors open and door shut and who knows where my life may take me this year. I guess I just have to wait and see what my plate is served with next.

Happy Trails!


A focused Peanut
A focused Peanut
A healing Squeaker
A healing Squeaker





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The last time I did the Western States Training in February was in 2010. You can read about that run here. Four years and another kid later, I found myself driving to Placer High ready to load the little yellow school bus once again.

Placer High
Placer High

The night started off rough because I woke up and felt Squeaker kicking me in the back. Apparently she came into our bed in the middle of the night and I vaguely remember pulling her in next to me instead of taking her back to her bed like I normally do. I did that probably because I usually end up on her floor which is not comfortable.

My alarm went off and I got up and left the house. I knew I would be getting there early but I wanted a parking space in the lot and I kind of wanted to sit and think and sort of prepare myself for the run. You see, 20 years ago to the day, my mom passed away from a totally unexpected massive heart attack. I was sitting there pondering how odd it was that I am currently only 10 years younger than she was the day she passed, and I was about to run 20 something miles on the 20th anniversary of her passing. My heart filled with love and strength in that moment and I wanted to run this run today for her because her heart was not strong enough to carry her but mine is strong enough to carry us both.

I eventually got out of the nice warm car and ventured over to the check in. I ran into some old running pals that I have not seen in a long time. Then I ran into Coach Nikon and a few of the people I have been running with more recently. It is like one giant reunion when you go to this thing. I kind of felt like I was in high school again, migrating from group to group. When it came time for the course briefing, I found myself near Gold Country Girl.

We talked for a bit and then it was time to load the bus. She told me that the Folsom Lake Trail Runners were supposed to be on bus 4. When I ran this the last time, I think I was on bus one and I recall there was a reason but I couldn’t remember what it was and I was having a nice time talking to Boo and Gold Country Girl so I figured why not get on bus 4.

I sat with Gold Country Girl for the hour long bus ride and discovered she tends to get car sick. Great. Luckily she was okay on the ride and we had a nice time talking about kids, running and running shoes. 🙂

Boo and Gold Country Girl
Boo and Gold Country Girl

When we got to the drop off spot and unloaded the bus, everyone was gone. Everyone except bus 4. Now I recall why getting on the first bus was ideal. It was okay though. I wanted to make sure that I started out nice and easy so that I wouldn’t blow up like I did during the Way Too Cool Training Run a few weeks ago.

Down the rocky road we went just warming ourselves up and waiting for the “free to pee” spot. The first mile or so is down hill and then you start the conga line.

Conga line
Conga line

I just sort of stayed back of the pack. Then we all stopped to spread out and pee. It was sort of unnerving while running because we kept hearing gun fire off in the distance. As long as it sounded far enough away, it was okay.

When we stopped to pee we all took off a couple of layers as it was really starting to warm up. The sky was constantly overcast, never did the sun peak through but the temps were definitely warming albeit a little muggy too at times.

I normally change into a tank from long sleeves and today I didn’t – most of the time I wish I had but those last 5 miles I was kind of glad I had t-shirt.

I am not quite sure what the mileage was when we came to our first hill. I had moved from the back of the pack to behind Boo. When we arrived at the hill everyone stopped to hike. I hiked for a bit and then I just felt like running. I love hills so I started up and Boo jumped on my heels to follow but I think at some point she gave up. I heard a “Go Trailmomma!” from Boss (who is #173 in this photo) … I love hearing that while running. Boss was running with Lily and when I got to the top I heard “there’s my hill climber!” from a guy I will call Folsom Prison Roger since that is where I first met him (at a trail race on the Folsom Prison property, NOT the actual prison). However, a side note here is that I really wanted to nickname him Tommy Lee Jones because not only does he resemble him a little bit, he totally SOUNDS like him! It made me smile every time he said something.

Anyway, from that moment on, I tagged on the back of Folsom Prison Roger’s group which consisted of another guy and Crazy Helen. We ran that way for quite a while until we came to our very first stream crossing that was quite large in size. The whole group stopped to try and figure out how to navigate around it. When I reached them, I paused to see what they were doing and instead just ran right through the stream. I heard Folsom Prison Roger say in his Tommy Lee Jones voice “Now that is what I am talking about!” and he quickly followed me. It was just the two of us and a few strangers for quite a while on the single track sections.

Just a pretty shot I had to take.
Just a pretty shot I had to take.

Folsom Prison Roger kept telling people that I wanted to pass (I didn’t) but they’d move over and we’d be in front. Our pace wasn’t fast by any stretch, but we were just cruising along chatting the whole way. He was instructed to stop at the wooden bridge for a photo so when we reached that, we parted ways although I told him that I would no doubt see him again.

I was anxious for the aid-station at this point. I knew from 2010 that it was roughly at mile 13 but I couldn’t remember if there was a porta potty. Some how I didn’t recall there being one but I was hopeful. I had such a sloshy stomach towards the beginning of my run. I have had some tummy issues this past week and I could hear Pigeon in my head telling me to take a salt tab. So I did. It worked, the sloshy stomach passed but it only created another problem, hence my need to find a porta potty sooner rather than later.

When I reached the aid-station, I had to remove both my shoes as I had mountains of pebbles in them and I didn’t want to risk getting a blister like I had last weekend. Then I filled my flask bottle (I had one flask filled with water and one filled with coconut water) and was off hiking down the road. I ran into British Neal who is always nice to talk to and hiked with him for a while. Having never really talked in depth with him, we got off onto some rather funny topics, mainly the need to find bathrooms while trail running. Eventually, I had to say goodbye to Neal and instead climbed up an embankment to hike way back into the woods to take care of business. Sorry, but that is what happens when you trail run.

Back on the course, I was in business. I ran into Lily again and eventually caught up to Folsom Prison Roger and his crew. Once again, I tagged on the back of that group.

I was feeling great. I was fueling with my usual Picky Bar broken into pieces, water and some coconut water. My back, which has been quite sore lately was feeling pretty good. My feet, although a little achy, also felt well. I was happy and really felt like we were moving along.

Lots of water on this run!
Lots of water on this run!

The course through this stretch is absolutely beautiful. The views were also pretty spectacular but unfortunately, I didn’t get any photos of those. 🙂

Beautiful course!
Beautiful trails!

The run just seemed to be flying by compared to how I felt on this same stretch a few weeks ago. Before I knew it, we were at the Highway 49 crossing.
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With our own personal crossing guard!
With our own personal crossing guard!

We crossed Highway 49 with Folsom Prison Roger leading the way. Up we climbed towards Cool. All of a sudden, Folsom Prison Roger starts running up the hill. His running person Veronica gave him a hard time about running and I started gunning up and told him I was on his tail.

Uphill rocks
Uphill rocks

What started out as a joke turned into a cat and mouse chase that was pretty hilarious. Folsom Prison Roger and I were jamming up the hill with Veronica quick on our tail. When we reached the flat section we just kept going and then we hit the down hill section.

Pigeon usually flies down this section and I know a lot of people do. Folsom Prison Roger just took off like a bat out of hell and I tried so hard to keep up. I probably ran down faster then I ever have before. Veronica was behind me and told me she loves this section and I let her pass. I didn’t run into them again until the aid-station at No Hand Bridge.

I did however, run into about six horses (all at separate times) and had to pull off to the side to let them pass. Some of those encounters were pretty quick, as in I just crested a hill and there I was face to face with a horse. Luckily running with Pigeon has taught me a lot when it comes to approaching a horse.


When I reached No Hands Folsom Prison Roger and Veronica were just finishing up and heading out again. I don’t really need anything since I carry my own fuel so I quickly filled up my water flask and hopped on their tail again. I was getting to that point where I wanted to be done. I felt okay but the back was slowly beginning to ache and I knew that we were only 3 miles or so to the finish.

So the three of us ran towards Robie Point. The water fall here was really strong and flowing. It was beautiful!

Approaching the waterfall!
Approaching the waterfall!

There were lots of people out hiking and taking photos so we decided to stop in the middle of the water fall stream for another photo session too.

Veronica & Folsom Prison Roger aka Tommy Lee Jones
Veronica & Folsom Prison Roger aka Tommy Lee Jones

Soon we came to the Robie Point hill. The hike up this hill felt like a million miles long. When I ran this in 2010 I somehow had the strength and power to just run up this hill like it was no big thing. Not today. We did a combination of running and hiking but we eventually made it to the top.

The weather was really starting to change at this point. It was getting windy and it almost looked like the skies would open up and it would start dumping rain on us. It was at this point, that I was happy that I had a t-shirt and not a tank top.

Following the pavement back towards Placer High was rough. Your feet are soaking wet and heavy and the road is really uneven which is painful on already tired joints.

But we rounded the corner and saw the ladies sitting there ready to cut off our arm bands and declare that we had finished!

Immediately I hear “Heeeeeyyyy!” from a nicely bundled Coach Nikon sitting with his crew off to the side. I saw free massages happening so I quickly got in line but that proved to be a waste of time as the dude I had was pretty awful. The Peanut gave me a better massage when I got home.

I had finished. I was cold and wet but so incredibly happy. When I loaded my Garmin info into the computer when I got home I noticed a few things. According to time, I was 30 minutes slower then I was in 2010 but I also seemed to run a mile longer. I also stopped more on this run then I did on the previous one but on the previous one, I did spend time at the aid-stations.

Overall, I would definitely say I felt way better on this run than I did in 2010 which definitely makes me happier.

Today was also great because I ran it for my mom. I truly felt she was with me today running along side of me and enjoying some of the views. We take our health for granted and she is my reminder that I need to be healthy and active if I want to be here for my girls in 10 years.

September 1982

I was almost 6 years old in that photo. My mom was about 36. Ironically, I am now 37 so that means she would be leaving me and this world 11 years from when that photo was taken. In those 11 years her body greatly changed. She didn’t exercise and her diet was just the Standard American Diet which didn’t help her high blood pressure.

I wish I knew then what I know now about diet and exercise. Maybe that was her role in this life: to be an example so that I would change my future and the future of my family by following through with a healthy lifestyle and exercising. I wish that wasn’t the case as I miss her a lot.

But she was with me today for 21 miles just as she is with me every day.

Happy Trails


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 The internet is a funny thing. One day I was surfing the net, I can’t even recall what I was searching for when I came across this website www.edhtrails.org . I thought, “What is this?” One click leads to another click leads to another leads to me attending a board meeting at our local CSD (Community Services District) to speak up in support of Mike from EDHTrails.

You read that right, SPEAK UP as in talk in front of more than one or two people! One of the most dreaded and detested fears (in addition to birds and turkeys) in my life. Granted, I didn’t talk for almost an hour like Mike did, but I did speak up and talk to the board casting our “vote” as to why we think what Mike and EDHTrails is doing, is a wonderful thing for our community.

I’ve posted about my running adventures in and around El Dorado Hills. From the “Ridge Loop of Death” (my own made up name mind you) to New York Creek to Brown’s Ravine. EDH has some awesome little trails for running and mountain biking.

When we moved here three years ago, I had no idea these trails existed. It was TiggerT that first showed me The Ridge (yes, blame her) and Vans told me about New York Creek when I first started running again after Squeaker was born.

The street on which we live in EDH even has some trails on it but they don’t necessarily lead anywhere or they are not groomed well enough to use easily.

Mike and EDHTrails want to change all that. For starters, he wants to create a Village Connector Trail.


The Village Connector Trail will be one mile in length on an already existing piece of land that sits underneath some telephone wires. This trail would connect El Dorado Hills to Folsom. It would also contain a Cross Country Skills Loop for kids to ease into mountain biking and have fun. You can see more photos on Mike’s webpage at www.edhtrails.org.

Wild Oaks Trail
Wild Oaks Trail

What happened at the board meeting on February 4th was exactly what Mike wanted to have happen; he wanted a seat at the big table. He presented his maps, photos and plan to some of the board members in an effort to get on their agenda for their big meeting on February 13th. He succeeded.

Those members present listened to Mike and others talk about the need for such an amazing outlet for our already very active community. What many people do not realize is that El Dorado Hills is slowly becoming a hub for ultra-fitness and outdoor enthusiasts.

For example, true-story  – A few months ago, while the Peanut, Vans and I were at our annual optometry check-up we discovered that our optometrist is a huge ultra-runner and cyclist running 50 mile races and riding in death rides. We thought that was not only interesting but absolutely awesome that she and her husband were so active. The whole rest of our eye appointment was spent comparing races and trails. Then, we discover that the father of my daughter’s classmate is one of the partners opening El Dorado Hill’s newest running store Gold Country Run and Sport where I now work on Sundays. The Folsom Lake Trail Runners, one of the largest organized running groups have many members (myself included) that live in El Dorado Hills or just around the corner in Folsom. If you go to Mraz Brewing on a Thursday evening, you will be greeted by quite few mountain bikers having just finished their night ride (Vans include) enjoying a beer at a local family run brewery. Even our local high school has a mountain bike team. 

The community is active. The community wants to support local business. The community needs to pull together.

The next order of business will be on February 13th. Mike and EDHTrails needs community support. The CSD Board will be there with all of its members present, ready to listen to Mike’s proposal (a condensed version mind you) and will put to vote whether or not a CSD team can be assembled to begin the initial process of vetting out costs and necessities to make this plan a reality.

If you are local, please share this and come. If you are active, please share this and come. Please share this post as much as possible. If you want kids to be active instead of at home playing video games and watching TV, please share this and come. If you can’t make it, find a friend who can. If you have kids, bring them! The Peanut was with me on the 4th watching her mommy stand up for something she believes in that will ultimately benefit her health as well.

I will post the details below and be sure to like Mike’s Facebook page as well so you will constantly be up to date on the progress of his plan and where all the meetings may be held.

Even if you do not live in the immediate area, please don’t be afraid to share this. All it takes is one community to be an example of an active healthy lifestyle for others to follow.  Who knows, maybe our small little community could be the catalyst for change. You never know!

Happy Trails!


CSD Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 13th

Time: 7:00 pm

Address: CSD Pavillion 1021 Harvard Way, El Dorado Hills

(see Facebook page HERE or contact Mike at mikeontrails@gmail.com for specific time and place)

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