Today I had my first official race of 2014. I wasn’t going to do this race this year but plans changed and I found myself sans running partner on a perfectly beautiful day to run.

I ran the 10k last year with TiggerT and recall vividly telling myself  “thank goodness you didn’t sign up for the 10 mile option.” The course is pretty brutal if you are not used to running these trails. The course is ALSO brutal because it follows NEW YEARS EVE!!! Granted the race start time is 1:00 PM so there was no waking at some ungodly hour but we did have some company at the Trailmomma house and I made some of my two favorite dishes for these friends who do not typically eat the same way that we do. These dishes however, taste wonderful with a great glass of red wine, which we also had in the house and of course you can’t have New Years without champagne!

Needless to say, soon after the ball dropped on tv I was out like a light. Squeaker woke up at her usual time despite my best efforts to keep her entertained in our bed while I tried to go back to sleep.

Vans and I decided that all of us would make the trip to Auburn despite Squeaker’s nap time being smack dab in the middle of it all. It kind of worked out because as soon as we hit the road, she fell asleep. Ahem, I have NO idea where she gets THAT from. 🙂

Vans dropped me off at the start line so that I could check in and get my race stuff. We had 15 minutes until the race started. Once I got my stuff I found where he had parked and luckily it was near a spare porta-potty! I quickly got in line and by the time I was out I heard the announcer say there was 5 minutes until race time. The four of us hiked up the hill to the starting area and I got into the crowd.


The start was very informal. Basically it was “ready, set, go!” The 5k, 10K and 10 milers all start together and head towards the road and then down the hill. I immediately remembered some of the course. Oh boy. Once on Damn Hill the 5k/10k runners went left and the 10 milers went down down down Damn Hill. Damn Hill is the same hill that you run UP in the American River 50 Miler – you can read about that race here.

Soon I saw the arrows not only pointing down the hill, I also saw them pointing up which could only mean that we were to run down Damn Hill and then back up again. I know I need this training eventually but today was not the day I was anticipating it.

My legs felt fantastic. My ankle felt fantastic. My stomach? Um, yea that did not feel so wonderful. Definitely a by-product of New Years Eve indulgences but also something I have been struggling a lot with lately.

My abdomen was growing larger by the minute. I was bloated and just feeling off. I tried my best to not think about it and to continue drinking my water. Luckily I did not have that sloshy stomach feeling. For this race I didn’t bring any fuel except water in my one handheld and 2 SCaps. Did I mention it was WARM? I mean like tank top and shorts warm but I was wearing shorts, a t-shirt and my compression socks. The socks were borderline too much but I think they really helped keep my ankle situation in check.

Going down the hill I don’t think I passed very many people. Eventually we turned and entered some trails that were all up hill leading us back to the same paved Damn Hill road. I had some spring in my step. The ups were definitely my favorite part of the day. I am really beginning to enjoy them. Pigeon scolds me sometimes to conserve my energy by walking up the hills but I have the power and I even have some speed when it comes to climbing up the hills. I can’t power hike for crap so why not run?


The girls were waiting for me ….

I passed a lot of people on these climbs. When back on the paved road, I continued to run as much as I possibly could and found myself running more than I have in the past. I did end up hiking some of it, especially past some horses who were out for a walk.

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The rest of the course was a lot of ups and downs and stuff. I vaguely remembered these trails but suddenly the trail I was on connected with all the other runners and it happened to be the same route that Pigeon and I take on our runs (at least lately). I immediately perked up. I used to not like running the same trails but this time, it was a relief because I knew exactly what was coming and where and whether or not I could run it.

I ran. I ran all the ups and would take a breather at the top and then continue on. I was definitely struggling with my tummy and trying not to think about it but I was also passing quite a few people (guys). It felt good.

Then we came to the section of the trail that I always complain to Pigeon about. It is the trail that leads us back to the Overlook. It just is so windy and when you think you’ve reached the end, there is another single track climb right there in front of you. It can be a little defeating.

However, I heard something. I heard a cow bell. Now this is not totally unheard of in the Sacramento region, we are called a Farm Town for a reason, but I knew this bell and I knew the person ringing it! My girls!


There she is!

My girls were right where the trail enters the parking lot. I still had to run up the hill and back to the overlook but just seeing them really made me happy.


You can see in the photo above how bloated I am!

I finished the race and was spent. I was definitely out of breath, so much so that I couldn’t even talk to my long time friend and old running/pacing friend Big D! She was a sight for sore eyes for sure. I had sprinted up the hill to the finish line because I was afraid the woman I had passed earlier in the race was close behind!

After the race, we wandered over to the skate park which is also at the overlook. The girls wanted to show me their tricks. Apparently this is where they were hanging out while I was running on the trail.

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I love my “crew” to pieces. Squeaker really had a blast in the skate park but was slowly growing tired. Her ability on the bike has greatly improved. Peanut opted for the scooter and was actually going over some ramps or whatever at the park. I think Vans was super duper proud and excited. 🙂 I even got to watch him skate which I haven’t seen for a very long time.

For me, the first of the year started off great. A nice trail run where I was able to push myself a little bit and still overcome some issues (that I need to get dialed in) and spending the day with my family. What more could I ask for?

I will leave you with those two recipes that I made on New Years Eve, just in case you were curious. 🙂

For an appetizer I made Oh She Glow’s Easy Flaked Almond “Tuna” Salad. Vans loves this stuff (so do I) and my guests really liked it too. It is super easy to make as well.

For our main dish (which was small since we’d all been snacking on apps for over an hour) I made With Style and Grace’s Stuff Acorn Squash with Quinoa and Pistachios. I added some vegan sausage that I had to the guests’ dishes though (mixed in with then quinoa and pistachios).

Well there you have it … our New Year’s Day in a nutshell. What did YOU do on New Years? What WILL you do in 2014? I have a list of a few things I’d like to try and incorporate more. I don’t really like the term “resolution” because it kind of gives off the impression that you try something for that particular year. Still, I do think we should all take a minute and think about 2013 and the things we could have or should have handled or done better.

I wish you all a wonderful 2014! And let the count down to the Winter Olympics begin!

~ Trailmomma

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