This weekend Pigeon and I continued with our training by heading out to Auburn for a long run. We have not been to the Overlook since well before Thanksgiving. I admitted to her early on in the run that my motivation was lacking lately and that I had hoped that this run would bring back that excitement. Running up in Auburn always seems to ignite something within that gets me excited about the running and racing road ahead.


We met at the Auburn Dam Overlook or ADO at 7:30. Waking up was really hard for me. I was just tired and it seemed so cold in our house that I figured it had to be colder outside. I decided to wear my Athleta Relay Capris for this run. I have never worn capris or tights on a long run before, not even for CIM. I wanted to give it a try to test how hot I might be on the run.

There were not many car at the overlook when I arrived but I saw Pigeon’s car. We pretty much both jumped out, changed out of warmer clothes and started off down the trail. I didn’t bring any gloves which normally is fine as I tend to take them off anyway but today I was carrying a water bottle which mean my hand would be holding a cold bottle. Ouch. Pigeon had gloves. I went digging into my car and I found my weight lifting gloves that I keep in the car for my Breakout Fitness workouts. Basically they are gloves minus the finger tips. I don’t typically care what I look like when I run, I just throw on some stuff (usually I match) and go. Well these gloves not only matched they totally worked at keeping the palm of my hand warm while holding the bottle. Pigeon laughed at me but it was okay. I actually kept the gloves on for the entire run too.

My legs were stiff. My back has been giving me problems all week and I think the tight muscles in my back are streaming down the back of my legs and hitting my hamstrings. Not totally uncommon. It was definitely hard to feel free and flexible on this run.

At one point we saw three deer just walking across our trail. Shortly after we saw Diane Cressey and stopped for a quick hello. Then we rounded a corner and continued on when all of sudden I heard some rustling in the bush next to me which caused me to jump which caused whatever was in the bush to jump too and take flight and it started chirping quite loudly. I flew even higher which caused Pigeon to do this crazy ballerina move in the air. She really got some air between herself and the ground, I was quite impressed. She was like “What!? What is it?!” totally panicked at whatever had scared me. I yelled, “It cheeped!? It cheeped!” She stops and looks at me, “It cheeped? Don’t birds CHIRP? Not cheep?” We laughed and I still stand by the fact that little birds can “cheep” it is the action verb of “chirp” … um yea, sticking with that. 🙂


Back to the run, we ran over No Hands Bridge and up the hill towards K2. I have not run up K2 since I ran with Pigeon and Be-Well-Run two summers ago. It felt a lot easier climbing this time than it did before which made me feel a little better.


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We eventually found ourselves at the Cool Fire Station where I made a brief pitstop. Then it was back towards ADO. When we hit the down hill section leading to No Hands Bridge Pigeon took off. She was just coasting the downs and I wanted to as well but had this nagging feeling in the back of my head (fear?) that I didn’t want to roll my ankle again. With my hamstrings and back slowly cramping up, I was just a little hesitant. I long for the day when I can fly down that trail though. It’s just a great trail with easy footing (minus a few rocks and roots).

Once we hit No Hands Bridge we stopped so I could stretch out my back and my quads which like I said, were really feeling super tight. I think at that point, Pigeon realized her quads were not feeling as springy as they might have felt at the start.

The trail back to ADO from No Hands was long and slow. We did walk/hike quite a bit both of us just feeling the day’s work on the trail. I just have to be patient with myself and realize that one run doesn’t determine my fitness and one run two weeks after a road marathon (that I didn’t train for) shouldn’t feel like a total walk in the park.

The run this weekend did accomplish something though, it motivated me and got me excited about running again. I am looking forward to my workouts this week which I have to do solo but I promise myself I will do despite it being holiday week and not having to work a few days this week.

As with most holidays, I am sure everyone is feeling some stress. Just remember to be patient with yourself, life and others. Not every day will be an easy training day.


Squeaker: I love you SiSi! I love to follow you, copy you, break your toys and annoy you.

Peanut: Leave me alone.



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